What are you growing?
From transplants: broccoli, cauliflower, kholrabi, cucumber, tomatoes, pumpkins
From seed: peas, lettuce, carrots, watermelon, cantelope, green peppers, and green onions
What have you been doing to maintain the garden?
I've only watered it about 3 times, and haven't done much weeding because I wasn't sure which ones were garden plants and which ones were weeds.
What are you enjoying the most about gardening?
The serenity of it. I find coming out here to be really peaceful and calming. My son is really enjoying it too. He just loves it.
What challenges have you encountered?
The dog dug it up in the beginning when he got off of his leash. I had to place the pumpkins way back from where I had originally planned so that he can't reach them. A couple of slugs have been after the lettuce too.
What or who has been the biggest help in your gardening success?
I've just been winging it!
That's gonna be a BIG pumpkin!